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Hycontrol Foam Control

Hycontrol’s patented measurement technique uses level measuring technology developed explicitly for measuring foam levels and foam-liquid interfaces. It has a proven track record in a wide range of applications and industries. By comparison, alternative, less-effective, solutions use pre-existing level measuring technology ‘adapted’ to measure foam. These tend to be inherently unreliable, inaccurate and adversely affected by process product build-up on the measuring probes. Foam generation can cause a variety of expensive and time-consuming problems. These tend to be inherently unreliable, inaccurate and adversely affected by process product build-up on the measuring probes.


SureSense - For aqueous foam detection, MultiSense - For aqueous foam detection & measurement - Can measures both the foam and liquid level simultaneously, Foam Tendency Analyser (FTA) - Can predict when foam will occur in process streams, DiFoam - For non aqueous foam detection

Contact Us
Main Office: 4420 Maplewood Dr, Sulphur, LA 70663
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